Ocean Beach Wedding
Accommodations in Ocean Beach

Accommodations in Ocean Beach

Being a beach community, Ocean Beach doesn't have standard hotels. The majority of accommodations consist of house rentals, apartment units, and several bed and breakfasts. These properties also tend to book up early.

To ensure there are accommodations available, we went ahead and reserved many spaces in advance. We reserved the entire Seasons Bed and Breakfast, as well as several apartments. With all of these properties, the rates will be for the weekend, regardless of how many nights everyone plans to stay, and will average around $250 a person.

So, guests are invited to come out as early as Thursday, September 11, and stay until Monday, September 15. Whether guests choose to stay for one night or four nights, the rates will be the same, so we encourage you to make a long weekend out of the trip.

If you would like to spend the weekend with us and will require overnight accommodations, just contact us and let us know. Depending upon the number in your party, we will make recommedations as to what property would make the most sense, and will assist with the booking.